Entrada > News > Open class: "Dark Tourism: História e Dark Turism no Porto"
Publicado em: 24 Maio 2018

Open class: "Dark Tourism: História e Dark Turism no Porto"

An open class about the History and Dark Tourism in Porto will happen at School of Hospitality and Tourism.

An open class about the History and Dark Tourism in Porto will happen at School of Hospitality and Tourism B101 amphitheatre, on 28th May, at 14:00h.

Dark Tourism in a niche of tourism related with travels to sites linked with disasters, deaths or macabre occurrences. This session pretends to clarify in a precise way the ethic boundaries relates with this theme. At the open class, our speaker will also talk about Porto, Portugal and European interest places. A Concentration Camp is Dark. But is it Tourism? How much can we fantasize the history to adapt it to Dark Tourism?

To talk about this theme, we invited Sérgio Veludo, PhD. This open class is a project of the curricular unit Interpersonal Relationships from the course Tourist Activities Management.

Don’t Forget to sign up here or on our Facebook Page.

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